Jorge Kleiman


Jorge Kleiman

Born in Concepción del Uruguay, Entre Ríos province, in 1934 and died in Buenos Aires in 2013.

He lived in Madrid, Spain, between 1987 and 2005, the year in which he returned to Argentina, settling in Buenos Aires. He graduated with an architect degree from the University of Buenos Aires. He taught as a professor at the Prilidiano Pueyrredón National School of Fine Arts, at the National University of Buenos Aires and in his private workshop. He began painting at thirteen years of age. He studied painting with Juan Batlle Planas in Buenos Aires. From 1951 he belonged to the surrealist movement led by Edouard Jaguer in Paris, France. He carried out individual exhibitions in different cities of Argentina, in Madrid and Hong Kong. Collectively he exhibited in art spaces in Argentina, Spain, Portugal, France and Canada. He wrote and published artistic articles and lectured on artin Argentina and Spain. La Nacion newspaper. Marcos Ricardo Barnatán, Madrid, January 1998.